Do you dream not only of travel, but the dream to travel alone in an attempt to explore a new city or country? Life as a solo traveler is a dream come true with its wonderful feeling of independence.
However, the most crucial thing is to have a safety precaution. You need to start by studying your destination before you are able to make judgements about the risks. And in case you meet with people consider being careful who you trust and keep alone whenever possible. In this way you will ensure that your trip will be just as memorable as you want it to be, but you will remember it for the right things.
This guide will look into the essential points to keep in mind when traveling alone as a solo traveler to ensure security and safety.
How to Stay Safe Whilst Travelling Solo
Following are some useful tips that will help you stay safe while you are traveling alone.
Stay Street Smart
Traveling to an unfamiliar city on your own can be breathtaking, but it requires one to be extra alert too. Research the destination and understand the local laws, customs and the areas where you are not safe, before you go there.
One action to take is to trust your intuition – if an event feels suspicious, avoid it at once. Always use main streets with adequate street lighting and hide all valuable items. Instead of walking alone at night, consider going with a friend or a group of trusted companions.
You can also download safety apps that can alert authorities if needed.
Backup Your Essentials
There is no worse off traveler like the one who is stressed about the lost documents, or the one that is broke. Prepare extra copies of your passport, identity cards and important documents as you won’t bring the original ones with you.
Ensure you inform your bank and credit card companies of your travel intent in advance, so they don’t block transactions as potential fraud. Provide a place where you store emergency funds and an extra debit/credit card in safety at your accommodation.
Choose Accommodations Wisely
Accommodation selection pretty much determines for how safe you will be as a solo traveler. Go into detail whether it is good or bad about your accommodations and consult the reviews of other solo travelers.
A lot of hotels/hostels have special room designs or building reservations mainly for solo travelers. The hotel can be riskier, so set on booking superhost with many excellent reviews when choosing to use this option.
Blend In
Although it is great to feel like tourist but being cautious enough to not to fall in trap of thief or swindlers can keep you safe. Dress casually and blend in best that you can. Try to hide your maps and guidebooks when you are in sight of others.
Learn a few basic phrases in the local language and try to master their pronunciation. Keep the act of confidence, even if you are disoriented or confronted with unprecedented problems.
Connect Virtually
The world of modern technology is a lifeline for solo travelers, as it helps to counteract their homesickness and provides social experiences. Make use of apps to keep in touch frequently with your family and friends back home and share your daily schedules and lodging plan.
Installing GPS tracking apps on your devices will provide you with emergency services in case of any distress. Look for online communities where your intended locations to get the authentic advice of the locals and other travelers.
Pack Smart
Your bag is your word and therefore choosing the best moment to use your recovery kit can see you through another day on an exciting journey or at the verge of danger.
Besides the essentials, you can bring along a door wedge for more security in your hotel room, a portable charger to save yourself from being stranded would no phone battery, and additional tools such as a whistle, flashlight, and pepper spray. Pack your essentials in a carry-on and a day bag.
Stay Sober & Aware
Let me mention solo travel makes you acquainted with the local nightlife, however, it only exposes you to risks where you have abandoned control of your surroundings. Limit your alcohol consumption. Drink bottled or canned drinks. Don’t forget to observe your glass at all times. Don’t leave a drink alone, always keep it with you. Pay detailed attention if someone offers you beverages, transportation, or an invitation at a very late time.
The excitement of being alone in discovering new places at your own pace are never-ending in terms of memories. However, you still need to put safety as the number one priority. As long as you plan ahead and use common sense, your solo trip will be remarkable in a good way.